Putting your loved ones in a nursing home is a difficult decision, however, when you are unable to give them the attention they need, trusting another with your elderly relatives is unavoidable. Caregivers promise to care for your aging dear ones like they are their own family, but sadly, quite a few break this promise which leads to the suffering of your vulnerable family members. Moreover, the recently proposed cuts to Medicaid are likely to increase cases of neglect and injury in nursing homes.
We increasingly hear of proposed cuts to Medicaid, and I believe this action will have a direct and detrimental impact on the care provided to nursing home residents. In some cases, it could prevent seniors from getting the care, treatment, and supervision they so desperately need. It is commonly understood that staffing is the largest line item in the budget of any nursing home.
According to the AARP, approximately 65% of nursing home residents rely on Medicaid as the primary source of funding for their nursing home stay. Any cut to Medicaid benefits will ultimately result in lower reimbursement rates for nursing homes which may be forced to cut staff to make up for the budget shortfall.
What are the negative impacts on seniors in nursing homes?
It is well established that understaffing leads to poor care and adverse outcomes such as bedsores, falls, medication errors, and other forms of nursing home abuse and neglect. Moreover, cutting Medicaid benefits for seniors will put their lives in danger.
Those in favor of these cuts will argue that we must seek ways to control a burgeoning federal deficit. However, surely as a society we can find other ways to cut spending without endangering the elderly. As noted earlier, if a nursing home suffers a reduction to a revenue stream that comprises 65% of its reimbursement, staffing cuts, and inadequate care are all but assured.
Unlike critical care settings, many nursing home residents require significant assistance with their activities of daily living, such as eating, hygiene, toileting, turning, and repositioning. Without sufficient staff, residents who need help with eating may be overlooked. Residents who are incontinent may be left unattended. Residents with mobility issues will be left in bed. This lack of care is likely to result in bedsores from lack of movement or falls for residents attempting to go to the bathroom without the assistance they need.
As a nursing home neglect lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, Churchill Huston Law, LLC, wants to help you avoid feeling helpless if Medicaid is cut. My team and I are always available to discuss your questions and concerns about Medicaid and prosecuting nursing homes for the abuse and neglect of their residents. I have almost fourteen years of experience in this area of the law and am happy to advise you and defend your claims in the best interest of your loved ones.
To learn more about the legal services I have to offer or proposed Medicaid cuts, please click here. To book an appointment or have your questions answered, get in touch with me here.